Children playgrounds
Choose from more than 50 playgrounds in
Tábor, ranging from smaller sandpits to helter-skelters and a cableway. Some of
them are located directly in the historic centre. Three children's playgrounds
are located right in the historic centre – a sandpit with a swing and a
climbing frame in Velký Šanc, a wooden castle below Náměstí Mikuláše z Husi and a playground for older children below the Children's Home – both in Holečkovy
sady. A spacious playground is located in the park named U Popraviště
(Execution Ground); despite the scary name it's a pleasant park with vertical
roundabouts, a large rope circus, a Mobilus swing and other playing items.
Another favourite playground is Pintovka with a cableway, a Hnízdo (Nest)
swing, a Pavučina (Web) set with a helter-skelter and others. If this does not
meet your needs, you can choose from more than 50 playgrounds in Tábor. For
detailed description, visitor rules and images, visit this link.