KZT Lodge

Parking lot

Parking lot



Animal in the room

Animal in the room

Since 2003, a renovated KZT Lodge provides its services in the western part of AB KZT, in an industrial zone in the Chýnovská Street in Tábor.

The house services include both long-term and short-term accommodation, suitable primarily for working stays.

The overall capacity of the house is 52. Accommodation services include double and triple rooms with either shared facilities on the respective floor or private facilities with bathrooms. Each floor has a fully-equipped kitchen and TV. The price of accommodation also includes WiFi Internet connection.

For a fee, you can use our laundry services, borrow an iron and an ironing board.

A private parking area is situated by the house; moreover, you can take advantage of the Silvia eating house services within the building, operating between 7:30 am to 1 pm on working days.

Address / contact

Chýnovská 2217,
390 02 Tábor

+420 731 819 944



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