COP Youth Hostel
![Parking lot](/imagecache/0x40_2_ubytovaniattricon_parkoviste.png)
Parking lot
![Congress centre](/imagecache/0x40_6_ubytovaniattricon_kongsal.png)
Congress centre
![Wheelchair accessible](/imagecache/0x40_10_ubytovaniattricon_bezbarierovy.png)
Wheelchair accessible
Accommodation available during summer holidays.
The COP Youth Hostel is located in a relaxed neighbourhood of Sezimovo Ústí II, approx 5-minutes' walk from a public transport stop. (Sezimovo Ústí is about 6 km from the centre of Tábor). YH provides accommodation services in double and triple rooms (each two rooms in a single unit have a private bathroom). The complex includes a playing area, tennis courts, gym, eating hall with full board option, video, DVD. A cinema is close to the complex, Kozí hrádek (castle) lies 3 km from the hostel, and other tourist sights are nearby.
Address / contact
Dukelská 639 a 640,
391 02 Sezimovo Ústí 2