VS ČR Pracov Convalescent Home


Parking lot




Congress centre


Animal in the room

Swimming pool

Wheelchair accessible
A recreational facility open year-round provides its guests with 2- to 4-bed rooms and two apartments with six and eight beds (total capacity of 160 beds) with private facilities, TV and radio. Meals are available within the premises. For your business events, you can use a conference room with presentation devices for 100 people or a lounge for 30 people. From April to October, guests can use an indoor pool with solar-heated water; a sauna and whirlpool open year-round, fitness centre, gym, two-lane automatic bowling room, snooker and billiard table, tennis and multi-purpose courts with artificial surface and football pitch. Moreover, rehabilitation (electrotherapy, massages) is available for a fee. Parking within an enclosed area. Bike trips, fishing, mushroom picking, walking tours, visits to castles, etc., are available in the surrounding region.
Address / contact
Radimovice u Želče 118,
390 02 Tábor