Hotel MAS


Parking lot



Congress centre


Animal in the room

Swimming pool

Wheelchair accessible
Hotel MAS is situated in a quiet neighbourhood of Sezimovo Ústí II. The hotel provides 45 double rooms and 30 double rooms with extra beds with showers, toilets, phones and TV+SAT. The hotel includes a restaurant with a lounge, exchange office, indoor pool with a bar and water attractions, sauna, whirlpool, mountain bike rental, billiards and table tennis. Moreover, massage services and wellness procedures are available. Parking is located directly in front of the hotel. The hotel is barrier-friendly. The hotel restaurant features high-quality air-conditioning and 55 seats with a non-smoking lounge for up to 40 guests. The accommodation facility has Welcome Cyclists certification.
Address / contact
Náměstí Tomáše Bati 417/12,
391 02 Sezimovo Ústí 2